40 tips on How to Advertise Successfully on Social Media in 2018 Part Two!
6) Adjust your tone of voice to a target audience
If you want to have a successful line of communication with potential or existing customers, you need to understand who they are. When you know your target audience, when you understand them, you are on solid ground. From there it’s just the matter of giving them what they want in a way they will appreciate the most.
“If you want to create messages that resonate with your audience, you need to know what they care about.” — Nate Elliott, Marketing Technology Advisor
7) Tweak your Social Media posts through A/B tests

The key to success on social media is to continuously optimize the in’s and out’s of your strategy through A/B tests. That means refining even the most minute details inside your posts. For example, A/B testing video length on Facebook (30-second versus 2-minutes). While shorter videos tend to outperform long ones, Facebook has recently shifted its algorithm to boost longer videos in newsfeeds. It would, therefore, be interesting to see if, despite Facebook’s algorithm change, your audience still favors shorter videos.
The more you tweak, the more you will be able to reach a “near-perfect” product. However, have in mind that optimization is a never-ending cycle where marketers try to create the best copy, with the best image, targeting the most receptive audience, at an ideal time.
8) Diversify ad spending across Social Media networks
“If I was going to point to a trend for 2018 it would be diversification of ad spend across networks. There’s so much money in Facebook advertising today that smart marketers are having to get extremely efficient to get results when targeting new prospects on the network. Any time a lot of money enters an auction you’re wise to enter other auctions where there’s less money sloshing around. I think in 2018 we’ll continue to see smart social marketers diversify and learn how to effectively spend ad dollars on other social networks like Twitter, Pinterest, Linkedin and even Reddit.” — David Christopher, Director of Marketing and Growth, Tailwind
9) Stick to the tried and true Social Media advertising strategies(at least partly) to justify continued investment
In 2018, implementation and effective measurement of existing strategies will be more important than the introduction of new tactics.
While social networks continue to innovate and build new ways to reach audiences, marketers are under pressure to prove that their existing social strategies merit continued investment. Future investments need to have a demonstrable business impact beyond classic vanity metrics.
Before starting any ad campaign make sure to clearly state what the ROI should be. Define a SMART goal and go towards. Like that, in the end you will have something to compare your results to and see if it worked or not.
10) Use metrics smartly

“Smarter use of metrics, better benchmarks and increased social marketing skills will bring stronger performance marketing to social activation. The norm will be to gather key measures, evaluate, optimise and drive social to deliver value goals. And it will raise the bar on social media, taking it out of the fluffy and making it integral to customer communication and experience.” — Katy Howell, CEO, Immediate Future